Forms & resources
Member guide (PDS)
Summary of significant information you need to make a decision about Spirit Super. It includes the Join Spirit Super form but you can also join online.
How super works
Information about how your Spirit Super account works, different types of contributions, contribution caps, accessing your super and nominating beneficiaries.
How super is taxed
Information about providing your tax file number and tax on contributions, investment earnings and withdrawals.
Fees and costs
Information about the fees and costs of investing in super and fee definitions.
Investment guide
Get information about the risks of super, how we invest your money and investment options.
Insurance guide
Get important information about insurance with Spirit Super including fees, eligibility, cancellation, conditions and exclusions.
How to open an account
The information in this document forms part of the Spirit Super product disclosure statement (Member guide).
Pension guide (PDS)
This contains all the information about our pensions. It includes the Join Spirit Super pension form.
Super product (TMD)
This is the target market determination (TMD) for our super product. It describes the class of member who makes up the target market for this product, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.
Transition Pension (TMD)
This target market determination (TMD) is for our Transition Pension. It describes the class of members who make up the target market for this product, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.
Control Pension (TMD)
This target market determination (TMD) is for our Control Pension. It describes the class of members who make up the target market for this product, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.
Managed Pension (TMD)
This target market determination (TMD) is for our Managed Pension. It describes the class of members who make up the target market for this product, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.
Financial services guide
Provides information about the financial advice services available to members through Spirit Super Advice