The benefits of investing with Spirit Super
Our aim is to provide the best deal for our members. As an Industry SuperFund, we return all profits to our members, not to shareholders pockets. We have low administration fees, joining fees don’t apply and we don’t charge you to change your investments or make withdrawals.
You’ll get professional investment management along with easy and convenient online access. That’s the spirit!
Before we begin:
You will need:
- An established accumulation account with Spirit Super.
- A minimum opening balance of $20,000.
- You must meet a condition of release.
Not a member? Join today!
How much will I need to retire? Try our Compare my Spend tool.
Please note: The form you need to fill out to start your pension account can be found at the back of the Pension Guide.
Let’s get started
- Download
- Fill out the form
- Complete the form at the back of the Pension Guide.
- Return your completed, signed and dated form to [email protected] or Spirit Super, GPO Box 1547, Hobart TAS 7001.
- Confirmation
Download and read our Pension Guide and decide on the type of pension fund you would like to open, how often you would like to receive payments (fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annually) and how much you would like to receive each financial year.
Relax! You will receive a welcome pack in the mail with your account summary and details. You can check your account or update your details at any time via Member Online, or by calling us at 1800 005 166.