Combine with Spirit

Having all your super in one place makes managing your super simple.

Combining your super is super simple:

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Once you’ve decided that Spirit Super is right for you, you can join online in 5 minutes.

To switch or start with Spirit Super, you’ll need an email address, your mobile number, your residential address, and your tax file number (optional, you can add it later!)

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Provide your employer/s with your new fund details and member number so they can send your contributions to the right place.

If you’ve forgotten your member number, you can find it here.

You can find the Spirit Super fund details here.

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You can use our Find and combine tool in Member Online, or you can login to your MyGov account and combine through the ATO.

More than one super account means probably paying multiple sets of account fees. Combine your super into one account to save on fees and make managing your super simple.

Got more than one super account?

Then you’re probably paying multiple sets of account fees. Combine your super into one account to save on fees and make managing your super simple.

Use our easy-to-use Find and combine tool now. It will even search for any lost super you didn’t know about.

Two sheep in the outback. There are over 104 million sheep in Australia and 16 billion in lost and unclaimed super.

Australia has over 104 million sheep...

(That’s three sheep to every person!)

...and an estimated $16 billion in lost and ATO-held super.

Is some of it yours?

Lost and ATO-held data as at 30 June 2023. Lost and unclaimed super, accessed 23 May 2024.

How do I combine?

Online with Spirit Super

Log in to Member Online and use the Find and combine tool under the Contributions tab.

Paper form

Download the Combine your super with Spirit Super form, fill it in and send it back to us.

Through the ATO

Use your MyGov account to combine your super into your Spirit Super account.

Person relaxing by the pool while they transfer their super from a SMSF to Spirit Super.

Transferring from a self-managed super fund (SMSF)?

You can complete our Combine your super with Spirit Super form, use the ATO online services through myGov or contact your SMSF to arrange the transfer to Spirit Super. Read our How to transfer your SMSF to Spirit Super fact sheet

Before you combine

Transferring super may close the account you’re transferring benefits from. There are some things to consider before combining super accounts.

  • Fees and costs and investment returns — super funds vary in terms of fees, costs and performance. This can affect your super balance at retirement.
  • Insurance - combining super into a single account may close your other super accounts. Any insurance you have with those accounts will be cancelled. Contact your other funds to see what cover you have before combining. You may be able to transfer cover. If you want to transfer cover, contact us for more information.
  • Tax implications - you can't claim tax deductions or split contributions on the money you transfer between super accounts, after the transfer occurs.
  • Investments - all amounts transferred will be automatically invested in your current chosen future transaction investment strategy.
  • Let your employer know - tell your employer that you're changing super funds before you combine your super. This will ensure they pay future contributions into the correct account. Future employer contributions will be made to your other fund unless you notify your employer otherwise.
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