Whistleblower program

Spirit Super is committed to preventing unethical, illegal and irresponsible acts.

We’ve adopted a Whistleblower Program that encourages the responsible reporting of incidents of misconduct. Misconduct may include fraud, corruption, or inappropriate accounting and auditing or insider trading.

Our Whistleblower program is designed to give people inside Spirit the confidence to report, safe in the knowledge that they are protected from detriment or harm under the whistleblower protections that the Corporations Act provides. Anyone inside Spirit (including an employer, employee, contractor or a third-party service provider) who has an honest belief based on reasonable grounds that misconduct may have occurred in relation to Spirit Super, may report. Spirit Super uses an independent company, Your Call which enables you to report any incidents securely, and anonymously. Your disclosure to YourCall will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Contact Your Call

Select ‘Make a report’, follow the prompts and enter the Spirit Super unique identifier code Spirit.

1300 798 101 9am-Midnight, Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays).

Your Call does NOT have telephone number identification for inbound or outbound telephone calls. Where anonymity is desired, Your Call will provide you with login details so you can communicate securely through the website.

[email protected]

Spirit Super
C/o Your Call D.M.S.
Locked Mail Bag 7777
Malvern VIC 3144

Any disclosure you make (whether by web, phone, email or post) will be reviewed by Your Call and a report will be provided to Spirit Super Executive Management.

Whistleblower rights, protections and practical support

We’re committed to providing protections and support to eligible whistleblowers.

An eligible whistleblower has the right to anonymity and to not fear reprisal after. Details of the rights of eligible whistleblowers are explained in ASIC Information Sheet 238: Whistleblower rights and protections.


Assure Programs

All staff members, and their families are able to access support through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Our EAP is provided by Assure Programs.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed or want general advice on how to deal with a certain situation and need to talk, contact the Assure Programs Support Team. There’s no charge for this service and use of the system is on a confidential basis.

Phone: 1800 808 374

Website: assureprograms.com.au

Email: [email protected]



While members may observe misconduct they are not eligible to make an Whistleblower report under Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) law, unless they are otherwise an insider to Spirit (an employee, contractor, service provider of their family). However, members have multiple other options to speak up:

  • If you are unsatisfied with how Spirit has provided a financial service to you, please review your options under our Complaints Handling Policy.

If you have identified or are affected by misconduct that does relate to ASIC’s responsibilities then you can contact ASIC directly.